Welcome to my Digital Media Website!

Self Introduction:

Hello! My name is Kevin Ogo and I am an ITEC Major with a concentration on Systems and Securities. I am a combat veteran with 8 years of service in the Army. I left the service to start a non-protift called Warriors First, whose mission was to lower the recidivism rate of veteran's entering the justice system in Colorado. I then went on to work as a Social Worker and Program Manager with PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) working with unhoused veterans in Los Angeles, California. I am married and have 2 sons.

2110 Projects Page | Click Here

Courses in Fall 2024

ITEC 2110 - Digital Media
ITEC 2140 - Intro to Programming
MATH1113 - Pre-Calculus
HIST1111 - Survey of World History

Hobbies and Interests

I love exploring new restaurants and places to eat wherever I am. I enjoy hiking in nature and spending time with my family. I moved to the South to live a slower lifestyle than what I have been used to in LA and the military. I continue to advocate for veteran services and resources in my community. Click the link below to see some of my work in the Veteran Community.

Warriors First: How Veterans Help Each Other Cope With Returning to Civilian Life | NBC News